Thursday, March 22, 2007

roni's new weight loss community

Roni, of Weight Watchen fame, is a real weight-loss role model. She lost 70 pounds and has kept it off for over a year. Plus, she shares it all very candidly on her site. She talks about her story and displays photos of every step along the way, including the tummy tuck she had after she lost all the weight. If you haven't already gone over there for some thinspiration, I suggest you do it quick. You'll be passing up cookies and french fries like nobody's business after seeing the transformation she's made.

Now she's gone even further to help people who are trying to follow in her footsteps. She started WeightWatchen Blogs! to give all the losers a place to blog, connect, and give and get support. What a great resource for anyone who's starting a new blog or wants supplement their current blog. Check it out and start your own!

Thanks, Roni, for everything you do!

1 comment:

Roni said...

Thank YOU for being so supportive!