Monday, April 23, 2007

pleased monday

I lost another eight-tenths of a pound this week. It may be slow, but at least it's the right direction.

Here's my weekly weigh-in chart.


Krissie said...

i love your chart. I'm glad something like that works for you. I just get frustrated when my effort doesn't line up with my results. (Like last week when I was pretty much off WW and had my biggest loss yet...)

Congrats on the loss! Every little bit helps!

Every other obese guy out there probably said...

Thanks for the support on my blog. I appreciate it. I think it's great you had a loss of .8. I have been up and down until recently when I got my plan together and started workin the food instead of it workin me. Sorry to hear about your insomnia. I don't know what caused it w/ you, but here's a link I found on it if you're interested.
