Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I've been such a slacker with exercise. I really do want to be fit and active -- I love biking, hiking, all the water sports, and more -- but I can't seem to find the energy and motivation to get out there and get back in shape. Exercise is just no fun for me at this level (i.e. complete lack) of fitness.

Does anyone have a suggestion for how to get over the hump and become consistent with this habit?


i i eee said...

You know I've had a problem with humps myself (and no, I am NOT referring to my own lady humps) and something that's really inspired me:

I read an interview with PastaQueen the other day -and one of the questions was about when she first started to try to lose weight and she said something like, "I remember reading an article that said it takes at least 30 days to break old habits and get into new ones." Or something like that -30 days to change our lifestyle.

Myself, I'm on Day 3, and giving myself 27 more days to really create CHANGE. I give up too easily after a day or even after a few hours it seems. So I'm thinking of it as an experiement -have to at least do this for 30 days.

Anyway, long rambly comment, I hope it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Heya Chicka! (It's DigitalGoobie..)
I've actually moved my Blog... you can see the reason why there, I just haven't finished setting it up - but you can come visit me in the meantime if you want.. sorry, the last few weeks have been pretty crazy for me.

New Blog is:

Living to Feel Good said...

Just DO IT!

Sometimes you just have to make yourself do it. After a couple times of not wanting to do it, it becomes habit and you want to do it.

So what are you waiting for?? GO FOR IT!!! :D

Nicole (SummersComing) said...

I have to do it early in the morning before I have time to talk myself out of it. I find that if I do it forst thing I am more likely to try and do a little something extra later in the day too.

Anonymous said...

I think you just have to take it one day at a time. If you can just talk yourself into doing 30 minutes of something or something like that today... then worry about tomorrow, when it comes. It's a hard habit to break, trust me.. I understand. Heh.

Roni said...

If you figure it out please please please let me know!! ;~)

Krissie said...

What helps me is to find an accountability partner...someone who will give me that gentle nudge to go, and a hard time if I skip out on my planned exercise. Guilt really works on me.
I also bought an expensive pair of running shoes. I feel guilty if I don't put that money to good use. I don't feel that way about the monthly gym membership though...

Every other obese guy out there probably said...

Find something fun to do. That way it's not this much for this long like excercise is. If you got the money walk the mall and get something that makes you happy, and noth Cinnabons, lol. If you like the outdoors, take a walk or do some gardening. Just get active and see if it makes you feel good. If so, then try to sneak in a workout and see if you get a feeling of accomplishment from it and enjoy that. Make sure when you do get back on the workout horse you bring along some good music that you love to make it more enjoyable. That's all I got. Ben

Anonymous said...

Where the heck are you chicka!? No posts all week.. now I'm sad. ~sniffles~

Krissie said...

I miss you!
I'm starting a compaign on my blog to harass you with comments until you come back...
Okay, that was a little strong. But we miss you!

Aimee said...

I'm with Krissie. I know I don't post here, but I do stop by and read when I get a chance. Where ya at?????? Come back!!!!! :)

i i eee said...

What happened to you, thrilled?

(this is meta, by the way.)

I think I have your email address somewhere, I'll have to email you.

I hope things are going well.

Roni said...

come back come back!!

It's the only way to reach your goals!!!!