Friday, March 30, 2007

my boyfriend says i'm sexy

I totally stole that line from Rachel, whose mom says she's cool. I was reading her blog today, and I thought, Oh YEAH?! Well, my BOYFRIEND says I'M s-e-x-y. Take THAT, sweet Rachel! Heheh.

All kidding aside, I wrote the title sarcastically, just as I'm sure Rachel wrote hers, but really? It's true (both of our statements are, I'm sure).

My boyfriend, BoyGenius (because, y'all, he really blows my mind sometimes with his smarts. He is more brighter and cleverer than me, even. Heheh. And I LOVE that.), is to be commended. He definitely deserves some props here.

When I met BoyGenius many moons ago, I was wearing somewhere in the vicinity of a size 10. Today, as you see in my sidebar, I'm wearing 18s. Now that's a dramatic change. He should be thinking, THIS?! This is NOT what I signed up for!

And he probably is. In fact, I know he wants me to lose weight and look like I used to and be more active with him and all that. And I think it's only reasonable for him to want that for me. He's thin and healthy and lively, why shouldn't his mate have the same vitality?

But! He's never, ever said an unkind word about my appearance. Sexy? I know I'm not. I have the photos to prove it. Nonetheless, I get told that I am sexy and cute and pretty and irresistable and all sorts of pleasant things like that on a daily basis.

And that, dear reader, is proof that either he is a genius indeed for saying nice things only, or he loves me truly, truly, truly. Either way, I win!


Frozen Okie said...

Aren't the people who love us wonderful?

Thank you very much for the kind words over at my blog.

I am pleased that it takes me less than a half hour to do the two mile round trip- but I can't really call it "running" two miles in 23 minutes since there's more time spent walking than running. I do want to get to where I can run the whole time, even if I only bring my time down by two or three minutes. I'd like to within a few months be able to keep a pace of 10 minutes per mile for 3 or 4 miles.

Good luck on your weight loss goals. Don't worry too much about what size you are or how much you weigh- if you feel better you'll be happier and even sexier (and if you're exercising and put on some muscle you will look better even if your size doesn't change)

digitalGoobie said...

That's so sweet that he says all those things to you - hopefully it helps to give you motivation to do more things with him and spend time together doing activities you both enjoy.

i i eee said...

BoyGenius sounds awesome!

By the way, Rachel got that line from The Simpsons. It's why Milhouse is her profile image -he says in an episode, "My Mom Says I'm Cool."

Although I'm pretty sure Rachel's mom thinks she's cool as well, because well, she IS pretty cool. ;)

thrilled said...

Simpsons! I had no idea. Now I understand her photo! And she sure is clever for remembering that line to apply to her blog.

I am an boring old ninny who can never remember fun things like that.

i i eee said...

I can't remember that stuff either. So I guess that makes me a boring old ninny as well. hahaha!

Rachel remembers every line of all her favorite shows, I swear.